True Lies


Last update03:02:18 μμ

Back ΚΟΣΜΟΣ ΚΑΤΗΓΟΡΙΕΣ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑ Μετά το δολλάριο , έρχεται το Αμέρο

Μετά το δολλάριο , έρχεται το Αμέρο

Το Αμέρο είναι ενα νόμισμα, που οι "ειδήμονες" της Αμερικανικης οικονομίας , είχαν κατά νου...Το Αμέρο , όχι μόνο σκέφτονται να αντικαταστήσει το δολλάριο,αλλά το προορίζουν για ενιαίο νόμισμα ολόκληρης της Βορείου Αμερικής. Οταν το 2007 ο Peter Joseph μας μιλούσε στην πρώτη του ταινία ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE για το Αμέρο , πολλοί έσπευσαν να κολλήσουν την ετικέτα της συνομοσιολογίας . Μάλιστα στο ντοκυμαντέρ ZEITGEIST , Το Αμέρο θεωρείται ο προπομπός του Παγκόσμιου Νομίσματος και είναι στα "σκαριά" η  δημιουργία και εφαρμογή του.


Tα "προσχήματα" που κάνουν τους Βορειο-Αμερικάνους να δημιουργήσουν το Αμέρο (προπομπό του παγκόσμιου νομίσματος) είναι το μεγάλο εσωτερικό χρέος των ΗΠΑ (που προέκυψε απο την οικονομική φούσκα που οι ίδιες δημιουργησαν) καθώς και το άλλοθι οτι θα διευκολύνει τις εμπορικές συναλλαγες ΗΠΑ-ΜΕΞΙΚΟΥ-ΚΑΝΑΔΑ, τρόπο τινά ,όπως γίνεται με το ΕΥΡΩ εδώ στην Ευρώπη.Το παρακάτω άρθρο , μας εξηγεί όλο το σκεπτικό για το Αμέρο, είναι απο οικονομική ιστοσελίδα και για τους γνωρίζοντες αγγλικά πολύ ενδιαφέρον.Τελικά ο Pete Joseph δεν ήταν καθόλου φαντασιόπληκτος και συνομοσιολόγος ,μάλλον διορατικός και καλά πληροφορημένος.ΔΕΊΤΕ ΤΟ ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE ΕΔΩ , διαβάστε αυτό που ακολουθεί και αποκτήστε επιχειρήματα για όποιον συνομιλητή σας υποστηρίζει , οτι το παγκόσμιο νόμισμα και η παγκόσμια διακυβέρνηση είναι αποκύημα της φαντασίας μας.


There are certain topics that come into the forefront more often than others. Amero is another such thing that has been creating ripples amongst the financial market and the countries for a couple of years now. Amero and the debate over it is about a new currency that many believe is going to be introduced by the entire of North America.

It is being said that the American government is taking small steps towards achieving their goal of doing away with the falling dollar and gaining importance over the Euro. If at all, the Amero comes into being as the new currency for the North American Union, there is going to be a huge wave of revolutionary change throughout the nation. But, the question is if there is any truth about the introduction of the Euro.

The Amero Currency

The talks on the new currency, Amero has been circulating around the web for quite some time now. But, nobody knows for sure if this is a fact or just a fiction. Now, what is so special about this supposedly new currency? Amero, the new to be currency is simply a combination of the US dollar, the Canadian dollar and the Mexican Peso; and there’s the catch. Introducing a currency shared by three important countries is actually going to help save almost over $3 billion in the exchange of the currencies.

This as a result may help Canada in raising their GDP by almost 33% in the next 20 years.
This idea to introduce a new currency based on the three different currencies of three different countries comes from the idea of the currency which was introduced by the European Union called “Euro”.

Some believe that this is actually going to happen and that the US, Canada and Mexico is going to form a collaboration, thereby starting over the North American Union or NAU; which is again going to usher in the new currency – Amero. Some however, don’t believe that any such thing is actually going to ever happen.

Why Isn’t The Idea Getting Introduced?

Now, you may be wondering as to why isn’t this wonderful idea actually being introduced.

One of the main reasons for this is the debt situation in US.
In addition, many do believe that US isn’t going to benefit from this kind of currency transition and moreover all of the three countries may lose their personal economic sovereignty.
Furthermore, it is not only US, but the two other countries too who are reeling under the pressure of debt. The debt amount is constantly on the rise and in such a situation the currency makeover may result in miscalculation, thereby resulting in greater debt related issues just like the situation that is now predominant in almost all of the European countries.
The monetary policy of the countries is going to get restricted if this common currency comes into being. If the NAU ever happens, then instead of just one country looking after and managing the interest rates and printing money, three countries at the same time will be doing all of these works. This may create problems amongst the three countries.

Where Did This Idea Come From?

Amero is the supranational currency like the North American Union which is basically modeled on the European Union. This idea was mainly brought on by an economics professor, Herbert Grubel of the Fraser Institute. Now, why was this idea on Amero ever being introduced?

The US dollar has been losing its value in the financial markets and it is quite obvious that the nation needs to do something regarding this. So, came in the discussions about the introduction of this new currency called Amero.

All of these actually had started a couple of years ago when the then US president, George W. Bush, Prime Minister, Paul Martin and former Mexican President Vincente Fox met at Texas to discuss over their plans to increase the cooperation amongst the countries. These three men however, did not introduce any bill or sign on any kind of agreement regarding the introduction of the currency.

There has also been some opposition against the North American currency union from both sides – Canada and US border. Even proponent of the Amero currency, Herbert Grubel had said that the American officials too have shown no interest regarding this matter. Now, again, the debate over the story is bubbling up all over and still now no one has any clue if this is at all going to happen.

Are There Any Amero Coins?

Irrespective of the fact that the currency may or may not be introduced, some Amero coins got introduced into the market just for the purpose of auctions and such exotic buys. In the beginning of 2009, all of the Amero coins were first produced and designed by Daniel Carr; and was stamped on a Denver Mint coin press. In fact, some new designs have been added this year too and almost all have been auctioned off! Such is the popularity of the Amero coins.

Is Amero a Fact or Fiction?
No one can actually say, if all of these discussions about Amero are fact or fiction. This is mainly because the idea is actually coming in from some real persons who can be trusted. But yet again, this cannot be taken as a fact, because if this is to happen; first of all, the dollar will have to be dissolved; but this is not going to happen soon enough.

Author’s Bio
Grace Ruskin is a contributory writer associated with the DebtCC Community and has written several articles for various financial websites.